Open Educational Resources

Free and equal access to information is vital and I believe that education without textbook costs is within our reach in California. 

I served as the OER Librarian at City College of San Francisco from 2018-2022. In this role, I lead the college's OER initiative, advocated for OER both to administrators and at the statewide level, and helped faculty and academic programs move toward an equitable future of no-cost teaching and learning materials. 

I wrote the The Impacts of Textbook Costs on North American College and University Students as the culminating project for my Master's of art in Education (May 2022) from San Francisco State University. This literature review covers "the literature on the attitudes, financial impacts, and coping strategies among North American college and university students in relation to textbook costs. It [investigates] whether the type of institution students attend impacts their attitudes about textbook costs, and it [explores] whether these attitudes, financial impacts, and coping strategies change when the book is free." 

I lead a conference session at Open Education Conference 2022 #OpenEd22: Running an OER Program on a Shoestring... or Barefoot: October 17, 2021 (conference session slides).  

I worked as an OER Development Consultant for Open Oregon Educational Resources from April 2023- May 2024. I project-managed two textbook projects on the subject of the criminal justice system. While most of my prior OER work was sourcing and advocacy, this project allowed me to participate at a new level: working with authors and a publisher on OER creation. Please get in touch if you are interested in OER project management or consulting.